Land Surveying can seem complicated and there are many misconceptions about the importance of services land surveyors provide. Myths and misconceptions are not unheard of in this specific industry, and it is important to learn about and debunk these common myths and misconceptions.
It’s important to be informed so that you can feel confident about making an important decision when it comes to land surveying. The following myths are here to educate you and make you feel more confident when going through with your projects and plans.
#1 It Is Too Expensive To Get My Land Surveyed
It is important to get your land surveyed by an experienced surveyor. Trying to cut costs by doing business with an inexperienced surveyor, or using an old survey instead, can lead to errors or the service being done completely wrong leading to hundreds to thousands more dollars spent later down the line. It is better to start with a more experienced surveyor in the beginning so you do not end up paying costs due to mistakes that can lead to even bigger costs.
#2 I Don’t Need A Survey To Build On My Own Property
You may think you know your property like the back of your hand, but it is not uncommon for people to make mistakes and later have to completely tear down their project due to building where they are not supposed to. This can often be a costly mistake. It’s necessary to have a survey done by an experienced land surveyor to completely avoid running into these issues later.
#3 I Don’t Need My Land Surveyed, I’ve Already Had One Done
Even if you had your land surveyed a couple years ago, and have the survey on hand, it is possible the previous surveys were done using outdated techniques or practices to draw their survey. If your land survey was from more than say, 10 or 20 years ago, that survey could possibly be out of date and therefore, arguably, incorrect. A more current and up-to-date survey is essential to have because there may be different results from the previous survey. The older the survey is the more room there is for any state, county, or private individual to dispute a previous survey.
#4 My Neighbors Don’t Care About Property Lines
Even if you think your neighbors are friendly and may not make a big deal about your property lines, disputes do happen. It is best to have a survey done to avoid any confusion or disputes that could happen. Conflicts about property lines are much more common than you may think. Having a professional land surveyor is necessary in avoiding any future conflicts about property lines.
#5 I’ve Had A Fence Mark My Property Line, I Don’t Need A Survey Done
A fence is at best only an estimate of your property line, even more so if it has been there for many years. It is also likely not precise if the fence was built by someone other than yourself. It could also quite possibly be outdated and not an official property line. A land survey is essential to have an updated property line so that you can be confident that you have the correct property line information.
#6 Land Survey Costs Are Based On The Size Of The Parcel
Each land survey is completely different from the next. Each individual survey has differences in complexity and the rate depends on how convoluted the project is versus the size of the parcel or land being surveyed. The cost of each survey depends on several different factors which may include previous surveys, the quality of previous records, obstacles that are present, the topography, ground level visibility, markers and monuments present, and the date the land was partitioned. These are just a few factors that may be considered, but others may be accounted for when pricing a specific land survey.
#7 I Just Need A Rough Boundary Survey, It Doesn't Need To Be Perfect
It is not uncommon for people to try to cut costs as much as possible when getting their land surveyed, but there is no such thing as an approximate, or rough survey. A survey needs to be precise and as accurate as possible to avoid future issues that may arise from an inaccurate survey.
Take Away
It is vital to have an experienced land surveyor on your side to aid in the process of your desired project. You should always have someone well versed in surveying even for something as simple as determining your property line. With over 30 years of experience we are well qualified to get the job done correctly the first time so you don’t run into any issues or additional costs in the future. Contact us today to get a quote to get started.