When we perform boundary surveys our main priority is to identify a property’s boundary lines. We will set, or recover, the property corners and produce a detailed map or plat. We use advanced methods when researching public records and when performing research in the field, taking measurements and performing calculations to ensure we have the most accurate and expedited results for our clients. This type of survey is vital for permit purposes as well as construction.
When planning new property improvements or creating an addition to your property you will often need to obtain a building permit. House staking or a site plan is necessary for a zoning administrator or building inspector to approve your desired property changes. We develop a site plan and use house staking to help get your plans approved as quickly as possible.
A certified survey map, or CSM, is a small subdivision of land used to produce no more than four new parcels in a five year period. A CSM may also be used to combine adjacent parcels of land. A certified survey map shows the property boundaries, watercourses, existing buildings, monuments, and easements found or set at the properties corners. The CSM will also include the surveyor’s certificate and a legal description. The CSM must be approved by local, county, and often state governments. Once the CSM is approved, we will aid in the necessary filing needed to be submitted through the county’s register of deeds office for public record to make this service go as smoothly as we can.
If you are looking for a detailed survey of the physical and natural features of your land, we will use our advanced equipment to create a topographic survey of your property. This survey is ideal if you are looking to make improvements to your land and are looking to see how these improvements will affect your current landscape. We will take into account the vertical and horizontal features and boundaries of your property when conducting this type of survey. To avoid future complications before they arise, you may want to consider attaining a topographic survey from us if you plan on adding a landscaping project or major construction to your property.
If you are looking to create several more lots from a larger parcel we can use subdivision platting to help you achieve your desired goal. Local and state jurisdiction requirements must be met for your plans to be accepted. We are well versed in local zoning requirements and we have the expertise to get the job done and exceed your expectations.
We know how to accurately draw your plans to the required specifications if you are looking to split your current land or property into two or three different parcels. Our committed team can help you get the job done right the first time if you are looking to sell part or all your land, need to divide the land to increase your profits, need to subdivide your land for development, if you’re required to separate your lot to build, or if you need to divide your property among relatives as stated by a will. Land partitioning can have many benefits and we are committed to providing this service with excellence
Commonly known as a property description, a legal description is used to describe a tract of your land or property. We are well versed in all things used to identify areas of land and would use our expertise to create a written legal description for your property.
If you are aspiring to identify your property as a condominium, we will utilize our years of experience to create a detailed condominium plat. We will accomplish this through a thorough field analysis of your property, provide a boundary survey, and draw a plat showing all buildings, dimensions, location, and units. All of these dimensions will be drawn on the condominium plat with precise accuracy.
If you are in the process of purchasing commercial real estate we can use our intricate knowledge of what title companies and real estate attorneys are looking for when closing on a sale to complete an ALTA/ACSM land title survey, often requested by the title companies, insurance companies, and lenders. This type of survey shows more detail than others, and coheres to a higher set of national standards. Specific data shown on this survey may include, but are not limited to: boundary lines, identification of access rights by service companies like water, gas, telephone lines, railways, location of the main building and any improvements, and location of any extra buildings. With over 30 years of experience we utilize the latest surveying equipment to complete ALTA/ACSM land title surveys to exceed your needs.
If your insurance company or lender is requesting you to carry flood insurance, you may need to get an elevation certification developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA. If your building is in a flood zone, or too close to a body of water, then we can use our expertise to help draft an elevation certificate to record the elevation of the building or structure.
We use construction staking to aid in the process of building a certain project. We will position stakes in the ground to accurately match blueprints to map out your proposed improvement. This involves placing the stakes with precision to mark the location and elevation of proposed grades, curb and gutter, buildings, utility structures, detention ponds, and any other improvements shown on the approved plans.